Icons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UK
Redhouse Road Moulton Park,
Northampton, NN3 6AQ
+44 1604 497 707
Icons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UK



Our Services for High-Quality Care in the UK

Icons Care: Providing Comprehensive and Compassionate Care Solutions for Your Needs.

Our Services

Icons Care offers a range of care services to support individuals of all ages, with a focus on delivering compassionate, person-centred care. We work with our clients to understand their unique needs and provide tailored care solutions that meet those needs.

Our services include:

Home Care

Our home care services provide support to individuals who wish to remain in their own homes, but require assistance with daily activities such as personal care, medication management, and household tasks. Our home care staff are trained to provide a range of services, from companionship to complex care for individuals with complex health needs.

Hospital Care

We provide hospital care services to assist individuals who require additional support while in hospital. Our experienced staff work in partnership with the hospital team to ensure continuity of care and a smooth transition back home.

Physical Disability Care

Our physical disability care services are designed to support individuals with physical disabilities to live independently in their own homes, while receiving the assistance they need to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Dementia Care

We understand that caring for individuals with dementia requires a unique set of skills and expertise. Our dementia care services provide specialised support to individuals with dementia, as well as their families, to ensure they receive the highest quality of care possible.

Respite Care

We offer respite care services to provide temporary relief for family members or other caregivers who need to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities. Our respite care services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

Live-in Care

Our live-in care services provide 24-hour care and support to individuals in the comfort of their own homes. Our trained and experienced care staff are on hand to provide assistance with all aspects of daily living, including personal care, household tasks, and companionship.

Palliative Care

Our palliative care services are designed to support individuals who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, as well as their families. Our experienced and compassionate care staff provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to help individuals and their families during this difficult time.

If you require any of the above services or have a specific care need, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced care coordinators are available 24/7 to discuss your care options and help you find the right care solution for you or your loved one.


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