Icons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UK
Redhouse Road Moulton Park,
Northampton, NN3 6AQ
+44 1604 497 707
Icons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UKIcons Care - Best care providers UK

About us

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icons care

We care & support with experience

Icons Care Support Workers UK

Welcome to Icons Care, a premier provider of home care and supported living services in the United Kingdom. 

Our mission is to empower individuals and families with the support they need to live fulfilling lives, regardless of age, health status, or ability.

At Icons Care, we understand that each person has unique needs and preferences, and we strive to provide personalised care that is tailored to those needs. 

We take a person-centred approach to care, starting with a comprehensive assessment of your loved one’s abilities, preferences, and goals. 

From there, we create a customised care plan that is designed to help your loved one live with greater independence and dignity.

Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing the highest quality of care to our clients. 

We hire only the most qualified and compassionate caregivers, and we provide ongoing training to ensure that they are up-to-date on the latest best practices in the industry. 

Our goal is to build strong relationships with our clients and their families, based on trust, respect, and open communication.

Icons Care offers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients, including home care, live-in care, supported living, and respite care.

We provide flexible care packages that can be tailored to meet both short-term and long-term needs, and we work closely with families to ensure that our services are aligned with their goals and preferences.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide care and support whenever you need it.

Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as one of the best home care and supported living providers in the UK, and we are proud to be a trusted partner for families across the country.

Thank you for considering Icons Care as your partner in care. We look forward to working with you to create a brighter, more fulfilling future for your loved one.

Why choose us

Our quality services speak volumes.

Flexible care packages tailored to meet short and long-term needs, aligned with your preferences

1. Personalised Care Plans

We create tailored care plans based on individual needs and preferences.

2. Experienced Caregivers:

 Our team is composed of highly trained and compassionate professionals.

3. Flexible Care Packages

We offer adaptable care packages to accommodate long-term or temporary challenges.


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